Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
taxonid | serial | 10 | √ | nextval('ndb.seq_taxa_taxonid'::regclass) |
An arbitrary Taxon identification number. |
taxoncode | varchar | 64 | null |
A code for the Taxon. These codes are useful for other software or output for which the complete name is too long. Because of the very large number of taxa, codes can be duplicated for different Taxa Groups. In general, these various Taxa Groups are analyzed separately, and no duplication will occur within a dataset. However, if Taxa Groups are combined, unique codes can be generated by prefixing with the TaxaGroupID, For example: |
taxonname | text | 2147483647 | null |
Name of the taxon. Most TaxonNames are biological taxa; however, some are biometric measures and some are physical parameters. In addition, some biological taxa may have parenthetic non-Latin modifers, e.g. «Betula (>20 µm)» for Betula pollen grains >20 µm in diameter. In general, the names used in Neotoma are those used by the original investigator. In particular, identifications are not changed, although Dataset notes can be added to the database regarding particular identifications. However, some corrections and synonymizations are made. These include: |
varchar | 128 | √ | null |
Author(s) of the name. Neither the pollen database nor FAUNMAP stored author names, so these do not currently exist in Neotoma for plant and mammal names. These databases follow standard taxonomic references (e.g. Flora of North America, Flora Europaea, Wilson and Reeder’s Mammal Species of the World), which, of course, do cite the original authors. However, for beetles, the standard practice is to cite original author names; therefore, this field was added to Neotoma. |
valid | bool | 1 | √ | null |
highertaxonid | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
The TaxonID of the next higher taxonomic rank, for example, the HigherTaxonID for «Bison» is the TaxonID for «Bovidae». For «cf.’s» and «-types», the next higher rank may be much higher owing to the uncertainty of the identification; the HigherTaxonID for «cf. Bison bison» is the TaxonId for «Mammalia». The HigherTaxonID implements the taxonomic hierarchy in Neotoma. |
extinct | bool | 1 | null |
True if the taxon is extinct, False if extant. |
taxagroupid | varchar | 3 | null |
The TaxaGroupID facilitates rapid extraction of taxa groups that are typically grouped together for analysis. Some of these groups contain taxa in different classes or phyla. For example, vascular plants include the Spermatophyta and Pteridophyta; the herps include Reptilia and Amphibia; the testate amoebae include taxa from different phyla. Field links to the TaxaGroupTypes table. |
publicationid | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
Publication identification number. Field links to the Publications table. |
validatorid | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
validatedate | date | 13 | √ | null |
notes | text | 2147483647 | √ | null |
Free form notes or comments about the Taxon. |
recdatecreated | timestamp | 22 | √ | timezone('UTC'::text, now()) |
recdatemodified | timestamp | 22 | √ | null |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
taxa_pkey | Primary key | Asc | taxonid |
ix_taxagroupid_taxa | Performance | Asc | taxagroupid |
ix_taxonname_taxa | Performance | Asc | taxonname |
taxonames_idx | Performance | Asc | taxonname |
taxonname_btree | Performance | Asc | taxonname |