
2821 rows


This table lists common synonyms for taxa in the Taxa table. No effort has been made to provide a complete taxonomic synonymy, but rather to list synonyms commonly used in recent literature. This table is not the same as the Synonomy table, also present in Neotoma, which links a specific synonymy to a dataset


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
synonymid serial 10 nextval('ndb.seq_synonyms_synonymid'::regclass)

An arbitrary synonym identification number.

invalidtaxonid int4 10 null
taxa.taxonid fk_synonyms_invalidtaxaC
validtaxonid int4 10 null
taxa.taxonid fk_synonyms_validtaxaR
synonymtypeid int4 10 null
synonymtypes.synonymtypeid fk_synonyms_synonymtypesC

Type of synonym. Field links to the SynonymTypes lookup table.

recdatecreated timestamp 22 timezone('UTC'::text, now())
recdatemodified timestamp 22 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
synonyms_pkey Primary key Asc synonymid
ix_taxonid_synonyms Performance Asc validtaxonid
