
11 rows


Aggregate Datasets are aggregates of samples of a particular data type. Some examples:
* Plant macrofossil samples from a group of packrat middens collected from a particular valley, mountain range, or other similarly defined geographic area. Each midden is from a different Site or Collection Unit, but they are grouped into time series for that area and are published as a single dataset.
* Samples collected from 32 cutbanks along several km of Roberts Creek, northeast Iowa. Each sample is from a different site, but they form a time series from 0-12,510 14C yr BP, and pollen, plant macrofossils, and beetles were published and graphed as if from a single site.
* A set of pollen surface samples from a particular region or study that were published and analyzed as a single dataset and submitted to the database as a single dataset.
The examples above are datasets predefined in the database. New aggregate datasets could be assembled for particular studies, for example all the pollen samples for a given time slice for a given geographic region.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
aggregatedatasetid serial 10 nextval('ndb.seq_aggregatedatasets_aggregatedatasetid'::regclass)
aggregatechronologies.aggregatedatasetid fk_aggregatechronologies_aggregatedatasetsC
aggregatesampleages.aggregatedatasetid fk_aggregatesampleages_aggregatedatasetsC
aggregatesamples.aggregatedatasetid fk_aggregatesamples_aggregatedatasetsC

An arbitrary Aggregate Dataset identification number.

aggregatedatasetname varchar 255 null

Name of Aggregate Dataset.

aggregateordertypeid int4 10 null
aggregateordertypes.aggregateordertypeid fk_aggregatedatasets_aggregateordertypesC

Aggregate Order Type identification number. Field links to the AggregateOrderTypes lookup table.

notes text 2147483647 null

Free form notes about the Aggregate Order Type.

recdatecreated timestamp 22 timezone('UTC'::text, now())
recdatemodified timestamp 22 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
aggregatedatasets_pkey Primary key Asc aggregatedatasetid
